Biochemistry, biotechnology, |
T. V. Koval, T. V. Ishchuk, Y. B. Rayetska, A. N. Savchuk, L. I. Ostapchenko The burn was accompanied by prolonged protein metabolism disorders, which led to the pathological changes in the various organs and systems functioning. The main diagnostic criterion of the acid burn severity is the total protein and albumin levels. These parameters are the major biochemical blood serum indicators that can characterize the functional state of the organism and to assess the degree of metabolic disorders under the studied pathology. The level of these indicators was the most declined at the 1st and 7th days after acid treatment comparing with the control values. The endogenous intoxication after the acid burns the esophagus 2 degrees in immature rats modelling is shown. The markers of endogenous intoxication (oligopeptides and middle mass molecules) in the blood serum of immature rats were increased on the 1st day of experiment. acid burns the esophagus. The above mentioned parameters of endogenous intoxication were measured in liver, spleen, mucosa of the esophagus rat cell homogenates and they had the highest level for 15, 21 days under the conditions of the second-degree acid esophagus burn. The level of the middle mass molecules and oligopeptides varied depending on the metabolic state of the organism and was prognostic criterion of metabolic disorders. This substances accumulation is not only a marker of endointoxication, they could further reinforce the pathological processes acquiring the secondary toxic role and affecting the livelihoods of all systems and organs. In this regard, the searching of the agents having anti-toxic properties is exceedingly important for the burn patients’ treatment. |
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H. S. Maslak, O. H. Minchenko Biological rhythms are important in the regulation of almost all aspects of the life of most organisms. Biological clock controls wide spectra both physiological and metabolic processes supporting energy balance, cyclic character of hormone secretion and immune response as well as cell proliferation. Circadian system of biological clock represents a complex program of tightly interconnected direct and feed-back pathways for supporting of metabolic homeostasis. Its dysregulation leads to development of various diseases. Biological rhythms are tightly interconnected with endoplasmic reticulum stress and play an important role in the regulation of immune system, especially in tumor growth. Moreover, alterations in BMAL1, PER1,and PER2 genes expression are related to tumor growth including development of acute myeloid leukemia. Thus, the aim of this study was investigation of the expression of key genes of biological clock in lymphocytesofpatientswitherythremia (рolycythemia vera), which is mostly prevalent myeloproliferative disease, in comparison to lymphocytes of healthydonors. The expression level of PER1, PER2, CLOCK, BMAL1, BMAL2,andCRY1 genes, which are the major components of biological clock in human and animals, were measured in blood lymphocytesofpatientswitherythremia in comparison to control (lymphocytes of healthydonors) using quantitative polymerase chain reaction in real time. It was shown that in lymphocytes of erythremia patients significantly increases the expression level of PER1 (almost in 2.5 fold), CLOCK (+42 %), BMAL1 (+19 %), BMAL2 (+16 %)andCRY1 (+27 %)mRNA as compared to lymphocytes of healthy donors. At the same time, the expression level of PER2 mRNA in lymphocytes of patients with erythremia significantly does not changed compared to healthy donors. Results of this study are shown significant dysregulations in the function of major circadian genes in lymphocytes of peripheral blood of patients with erythremia and may help to identify target genes for creation of new strategies for cancer treatment including erythremia. |
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G. P. Kopylchuk, I. M. Buchkovska, Y. K. Ostrovska The work is devoted to determining the concentration of homocysteine in plasma and enzyme activity transsulfurationpathway – cystathionine-β-synthase and cystathionine-γ-lyase in hepatocytes under the conditions of protein deficiency. To determine changes in these biochemical parameters alimentary protein deprivation experimental animals were kept for 28 days in semi-synthetic of low-protein diet the fundamental of even food. The concentration of homocysteine in the blood plasma of rats determined by ELISA. Activity cystathionine-β-synthase and cystathionine-γ-lyase evaluated by the number of formation of hydrogen sulfide. Determination of hydrogen sulfide conducted by forming dye methylene blue in reactions between sulfide and N, N-dymetylparafenilendiamin in acidic medium in the presence of ions Fe3+. Established that the conditions of protein deficiency increased concentration of homocysteine in the blood plasma of animals reaches 28.2 mmol/l, which leads to a mild hyperhomocysteinemia. Probably the homocysteine levels increase in the blood plasma of rats is associated with a decrease in its protein form content and a simultaneous increase in free form homocysteine. Under conditions of protein deprivation is a violation of the key links of the transsulfurationpathway homocysteine. It is shown that in liver cells of rats a decrease activity cystathionine-β-synthase in 2.6 times with simultaneous activation cystathionine-γ-lyase 2.4 times respectively compared with those of control. Cystathionine-γ-lyase involved in the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the liver cells, so the increased activity of the enzyme is accompanied by increased content of hydrogen sulfide. In hepatocytes of animals in terms of protein deficiency hydrogen sulfide content 3 times the value of control. Thus hyperproduction H2S in rat hepatocytes protein deficiency conditions indicates activation desulfurization pathway the transformation of homocysteine. |
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L. V. Khuda, М. Prusinska, О. І. Khudyi, О. V. Kushniryk, R. Kolman, N. P. Lypka The efficiency of application the PUFA-containing supplements, encapsulated into Artemia nauplii, at the early development stages of sturgeons, on the example of sharp-nosed sturgeon and freshwater sturgeon, was investigated. An enrichment of Artemia nauplii was performed using complex emulsions of polyunsaturated fatty acids S. presso at a dose of 0.5 g/l and Easy DHA Selco at a dose of 0.6 g/l («INVE Aquaculture», Belgium). S. presso, encapsulated into Artemia nauplii, was using within 19 days for Acipenser oxyrinchus feeding, Easy DHA Selco – within 14 days for Acipenser ruthenus feeding. It was established that increased mortality of sharp-nosed sturgeon was observed during the first 10 days of feeding. The highest mortality rates were noted on the 5th day both in experimental group, which was receiving enriched Artemia, and in control group. The sturgeon larvae were dying during 6 days with maximal losses on the 3-rd day. Similar mortality trends in both groups of larvae, fed with enriched and control Artemia nauplii, indicate about common difficulties in the transition to exogenous feeding, that do not related with PUFA-containing supplements, but linked with immaturity of eating behavior and functional mechanisms of sturgeon larvae. The application of enriched with PUFA-containing supplements brine shrimp as live feed during A. oxyrinchus growth leads to an increase of 1.5 times the mass of larvae. Analysis of fatty acid profile showed the growth in content of eicosapentaenoic acid of 1.7 times and docosahexaenoic acid – 3 times. The level of DHA / EPA increased to 1.22 against 0.72, which is set for larvae, reared on unenriched feed. The feeding of A. ruthenus larvae with enriched Artemia though it does not resulted in increase of mass accumulation and significant changes in the fatty acid profile, but allows to decrease the mortality of sturgeon early youth more than in halve. In view of the established trends for growth processes of the studied sturgeon species, the use of enriched Artemia nauplii should begin with 10 days of active nutrition for A. oxyrinchus larvae and with 7 days for A. ruthenus larvae. The received results point out the need to develop the specific technologies of enrichment the live feed with polyunsaturated fatty acids for freshwater sturgeon considering differences in fatty acid composition of it's prelarvae. |
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L.M. Cheban, I.V. Malischuk, O.E. Grinyko, M. M. Marchenko It was shown the possibility of using the waste water from RAS as a culture medium for Desmodesmus armatus (Chod.) Hegew. and Acutodesmus dimorphus (Turpin) Tsarenko cultivation. The investigated algae was grown on the Fitzgerald’s artificial medium number 11 in the modification of Zehnder and Gorham and on the water from RAS (Recirculation Water System), that was standardized with the indicators pH and total mineralization. A gradual increase of the total proteins which reached their peak in the stationary phase of culture growth was noticed during the cultivation of D. armatus and A. dimorphus. The maximum content of total protein was noted on the 40th day of cultivation and was about 50% of the dry weight of both algae. At the same time, 17 proteinogenic amino acids, including 9 replaceable and 8 essential acids, were detected and identified in biomass of two species alga. the quality of the amino acids of algae biomass did not depend on the type of applied nutrient medium. While growing on the waste water from RAS lower productive characteristics of D. armatus та A. dimorphus cultureі were observed, but the mentioned way of cultivation is also more cheaper compared to standard medium. The obtained productive algae cultures characterized by a sufficient amount of protein and a wide range of amino acids and can be used as food objects in aquaculture . |
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O. V. Ketsa, I. O. Shmarakov, M. M. Marchenko The effect of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) supplementation on superoxide dismutase аnd catalase activities as well as the level of alpha-tocopherol and ascorbate were monitored in mitochondrial fraction of rat liver and Guerin’s carcinoma. It was shown that ω-3 PUFAs administration resulted in an increased activity of antioxidant enzymes and the level of alpha-tocopherol and ascorbate in hepatic mitochondria fraction of rats with tumor during the logarithmic phase of tumor growth. ω-3 PUFAs supplementation before and after transplantation of Guerin’s carcinoma resulted in the decrease of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity and the content of alpha-tocopherol and ascorbate in Guerin’s carcinoma mitochondrial fraction in the logarithmic phases of oncogenesis. |
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S. S. Rudenko, O. M. Dzenzerska The authors compared the Redfield ratio (RR) of water in rivers Prut, Dniester and Siret in the Chernivtsi region within a phase of the lower summer and spring floods. Samples of water were taken by Rutner's batometr near two types of flood plains it is meadow and forest flood plains. Statistical analysis was performed by using computer program Statistica 6.0. Compliance of distribution of Redfield ratio determined by cumulative criteria: the convergence median, mean and fashion, zero index of asymmetry and kurtosis, confirm the hypothesis H0 by Shapiro-Wilk criterion. On the basis of nonparametric statistics proved the accuracy of the difference between the distributions by this indicator compared to the aqueous phases. It is shown that ratio of the sum ranks of the Redfield index in the phase of spring floods in the lower summer flows phase for all rivers it is constant and is 2.8. For all rivers of Chernivtsi region discovered a greater magnitude values of the Redfield ratio during the spring flood period in comparison with the lower summer flows too. Based on the Redfield calculator found that during the spring flood the mean and median of the RR of all investigated rivers of Chernivtsi region are in a range favorable for the development of green algae. During the summer low water the average values and median Redfield of water of the rivers Siret and Prut in the range favorable for the development of blue-green algae, and the Dniester River – in the range, which is characterized by minimal development of both groups of algaes. Was established a descending series by to the median of Redfield ratio for study the rivers during the spring flood: Dnister (229,5) > Prut (185,8) > Siret (53.4). Instead, during the lower summer flows the median of Redfield ratio of the Prut and Siret coincide and descending series takes the following form: Dniester (18,4) > Prut = Siret (5.8). Convergence of the mean and median Redfield ratio was fixed for both phases of the water regime of the river Siret, it shows indicating to a smaller contribution of the anthropogenic component in the formation of its significance for the these river compared with the other two rivers. |
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N. Miroshnik, O. Tertichna, U. Slavgorodskaya, T. Kozynyatko The structure of tree mortality in the Cherkassy pine forest stands and their dynamics has not been investigated, as it requires longlasting permanent studies. The aim of our research was to investigate the dynamics of the current trees mortality for 20 years. Stationary ecological profile, which was founded in 1988 by suburban forest edge deep into Cherkassky forest allows us to track the change of descriptive quantitative indicators of forest stands over time. It is the largest natural array of Pinus sylvestris L. in forest-steppe of Right-Bank Ukraine, a key element of the national ecological network. Cherkassy Bor forests are affected by Cherkasy industrial agglomeration phytotoxic emissions (SO2, NOx, NH3, dust). Trees infestation has been defined by status categories, extent of plantations damage has been established with the average index of the stand state (Is). Trees that have fallen in 20 years were subject to accounting. The state of Ecological Profile stands became worse from poor to very weak for 20 years. It has average mortality level (15–21%).There is trees mortality for II–III Kraft grade, the main forest tent trees, which are the best and healthiest in forest ecosystem, at a distance of 10–16 km from Cherkasy industrial agglomeration. That indicates their air pollution damage. 18% of fresh dead wood at the distance of 10 km from industrial agglomeration were II Kraft class trees. The structure of fresh and old dead wood showed that II, III Kraft class trees withered away. Excessive human pressure on Cherkasky forest pine plantations resulted in their natural forms and structures simplification, violated the stability and resistance of forest ecosystems, causing pathological trees mortality. This is confirmed by the lack of correlation between stands state index in Cherkassy Bor and their age. |
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A.Yu. Varigin The sex ratio at the different phenotypes of isopods Lekanesphaera monodi in the fouling community of the coastal zone of Odessa Bay, Black Sea are identified. The ratio of males and females in the five phenotypes L. monodi (uniformis, maculosa, lineata, albus and rubrum), living on the surface of the underwater hydrotechnical structures in three areas of the bay at a depth of 1 to 2,5 m in conditions of varying degrees of water exchange with the open sea are determined. The variability in the sex ratio at L. monodi at the transition from the open water area to the half-closed with a difficult water exchange is established. The sex ratio among different phenotypes L. monodi depends on the specific environmental conditions in the fouling community of Odessa Bay, Black Sea. The greatest number of males observed in the first open area among individuals phenotype lineata. The second and third parts of most males were among individuals phenotypes maculosa and uniformis, respectively. The incidence of these three phenotypes was highest in all the areas studied. In the transition from the open area to area with the release of drainage water, and then – to the half-closed, the total share of these phenotypes was increased from 84,5 to 88,6 and 91%, respectively. At the same time, phenotypes albus and rubrum were quite rare. Their occurrence in the same range of districts respectively decreased from 15,5 to 11,4 and 9%. In all areas studied quantitatively females prevailed over males. The largest relative number of females was found among the phenotype maculosa, and males – among individuals of phenotypes lineata, maculosa and uniformis. Among individuals of phenotypes albus and rubrum to one male had between two and three females. Coloration of the integument of L. monodi has an adaptive character. All five investigated phenotypes inconspicuous on the general background of fouling communities, allowing them to avoid predators. |
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I. I. Saranenko The content of heavy metals (HM) was determined in the fallen leaves and litter of trees; quantitative indicators of migration for Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd were calculated in the system "soil – plant" for the dominant species of tree species in the Northern part of the city of Kremenchug. It is determined that the biological cycle of substances were intensive in the cultural ecosystems. The biological cycle of iron, manganese, copper were inhibited. The transfer of emissions from enterprises (including heavy metals waste) towards green zone determines the maximum accumulation of the elements in the leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) аnd Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.). The correlation coefficient R = 0,7. The intensity of fruiting of woody plants in comparison to the background values were decreased. In maple the length and width of seeds on average 30,0 ±0,6%, graystone normal – 19,8 ± 0,2 %, Robinia pseudoacacia – 3,8 ± 0,1 %. The plants of the Northern part of the city were more contaminated. The total concentration (SPC) for the tree species was the following: 9,8 – strong pollution; and 5,5 4,9 - average pollution. Norway maple is the most suffering species from the effects of environmental factors. The seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia were the most resistant. The deviations from benchmark generative organs of Aesculus hippocastanum were medium. |
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BOTANY. biodiversity AND biological resources conservation |
T. L. Andrienko, V. A. Onyshchenko The article summarizes the data on mires of the Magnocaricion elatae s.l. from Ukrainian Carpathians (incluiding Ciscarpathian and Transcarpatian plains). 66 relevés are provided. They are grouped into 7 associations: Caricetum elatae, Equiseto fluviatilis-Caricetum rostratae, Carici elatae-Calamagrostietosum canescentis, Caricetum gracilis, Caricetum vesicariae, Caricetum ripariae, Caricetum acutiformi-paniculatae of the Magnocaricion. One relevé is refered to com. Carex acutiformis – (Molinietalia). Another four associations (Caricetum acutiformis, Caricetum vulpinae, Caricetum otrubae, Cicuto-Caricetum pseudocyperi) are given according to the literature. Most relevés are from plains of Lviv region. In the mountains, the class is represented mainly by associations Equiseto fluviatilis-Caricetum rostratae and Caricetum vesicariae. Associations of the alliance are almost indistinguishable in species composition. They differ mainly by dominants. |
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S. A. Chetvernya, N. I. Dzurnko, E. P. Palamarchuk, V. P. Grakhov Raw material yield and seed production of medicinal plants species Serratula coronata and Serratula tinctoria in natural habitats of Poltava region have been studied. The values of seed formation coefficient (94.5%, 81.1% respectively) have been determined and its high variability has been showed that is also characteristic for structure of inflorescences, quantitative parameters of lateral shoots. This indicates substantial adaptive possibilities of studied species of Serratula and can be used at introduction of these plants. The number of generative shoots and branches with buds for both species of Serratula are important in the formation of seed production. Up to the fourth year of growth the potential seed production (PSP) and the actual seed production (ASP) increase reaching maximum values. It was found that the yield of S. coronata and S. tinctoria rises from the first to the fourth year of vegetation by increasing the height of plants and the number of generative shoots on the plant individual. The obtained data on raw material yield of S. coronata and S. tinctoria (6.45 kg/m2 and 10.2 kg/m2 of air-dry mass, respectively) ensure the profitability for cultivation of these medicinal plants. |
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S. G. Litvinenko Seasonal rhythm of development of 13 species and 1 form of ligneous wines of Vitaceae Lindl. family under the conditions of Chernivtsy region has been analyzed. Phenological groups on the terms of beginning and finishing of vegetation period are distributed. All investigated vines came into bearing. Bearing of 4 species is heavy, but bearing of Ampelopsis aconitifolia Bge. is low. Seeds of Vitaceae plants formed normally developed. Full grain is high to all vines expectAmpelopsis aconitifolia. Based on complex estimation of introduction progress by P. I. Lapin and S. V. Sidneva, 3 species of Vitaceae (such as Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch., Vitis amurensis Rupr.,Vitis vinifera L.) are refer to full perspective introducents in Chernivtsy region (group of intoroduction progress with index I). 5 species (Ampelopsis aconotifolia Bge., A. brevipedunculata Trautv.,Vitis champinii Planch.,V. coignetiae Pull. ex Planch., V. кiparia Mich)are sufficiently perspective introducents (group with index II) and to group with index I-II refer Ampelopsis heterophylla Sieb. Et Zucc.,A. japonica (Thunb.)Makino, Parthenocissus inserta Fritsch., P. quinquefolia 'Murrorum' Rehd,P. tricuspidata Planch.,Vitis vulpina L. Taking into account specific morphological features, all investigated vines are most decorative due to their leaves in the period from May to the second ten days of October. The highest decorative effect (point 41) under the conditions of Chernivtsy region have Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Vitis amurensis, Vitis vinifera. Decorative effect of 10 species estimated as sufficient (point 34-40). Ampelopsis aconitifolia has the lowest decorative effect (point 30). |
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I. Solomakha Conservation of existing biodiversity is an integral and essential part into achieving balanced development of human community. One of the main stages on this path is study and inventory of biodiversity of natural and agricultural landscapes of Ukraine. The study was focused on grouping of forest’s and shrub’s vegetation of the Northern black sea area. The collection of material was carried out by geobotanical traditional methods, vegetation;s classification was carried out by using Braun-Blanquet method. As a result of processing of vast array of geobotanical descriptions (876) it was found that in forests and shrubs vegetation of the Northern black sea area there are 9 classes, 10 orders, 16 alliances, 41 associations, 8 non-ranked and 16 derivative groups spreaded. Due to geobotanical data from the studied area it was described new class of natural forest communities Dactylido glomerati-Populetea tremulae. High diversity figures of forest and shrub vegetation are associated with arena character of Low-Dniper region and with a long history of its formation, as well as isolation of the area from similar sand masses and the peculiar conditions of moisture in the hollows-saucers, which were a prerequisite for the genesis of sandy groves, which became a refugium for unique Dnieper birch and indigenous groups of Dactуlido glomeratae-Populetea tremulae class. Forest and shrub vegetation of the Northern black sea area is divided into four types: natural grouping of steppe vegetation with bushes of participation (class Festuco-Brometea), natural communities of shrubs (Rhamno-Prunetea, Nerio-Tamaricetea, Franguletea), natural communities of forests (Dactуlido glomeratae-Populetea tremulae, Salicetea purpureae, Alnetea glutinosae), anthropogenic tree-shrub communities (Rhamno-Prunetea, Pulsatillo-Pinetea sylvestris, Robinietea). |
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N. N. Sytschak >National Nature Park “Vyzhnytsky” was created in 1995. In 2007 its territory has increased and for today it has an area of 11,238 hectares. It is located in Vyzhnytsia district of Chernivtsi region. In 2005 a monograph “National Nature Park “Vyzhnytsky”. Plant Kingdom” (Chorney et al., 2005) was published, which was, in fact, the first work concerning flora of the National Nature Park “Vyzhnytsky”. In this monograph 683 species of vascular plants are introduced for the park. The aim of the work was to analyze the available data on the flora composition of the National Nature Park “Vyzhnytsky”. The material was collected during field expeditions in 2014 and critical revision of herbarium specimens stored at the park. In general, 88 new species were found for the flora of National Nature Park “Vyzhnytsky”, as well as the presence of 13 species has been confirmed, previously mentioned only in the adjacent areas, and now they have been found directly in the park. These materials show the topicality of the further inventory research of the flora of the park. In addition, due to the critical study of materials, four taxa included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine have been added to the list of the flora of the park, namely: Swertia perennis L., Corallorhiza trifida Châtel., Leucorchis albida (L.) E.Mey, Orchis ustulata L.Information on the distribution of these species is important for the further development of management plans for their populations. |
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T. S. Komshuk For example morphometric study of magnetic resonance tomograms different ages persons ever comprehensive vivo characterization fourth brain ventricle of the human. Studied gender characteristics and the size fourth brain ventricle in people of different ages. Analyzed one hundred twenty five tomograms different ages persons: 54 men (different age) and 71 women (different age). For the study used groups of persons, where measurements performed by magnetic resonance tomograms without expressed pathological changes in the brain. A survey was conducted in the department of radiation diagnosis of clinical institution «Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph General Electric Nealthcare «SignaMRI 1,5T» and in the office of magnetic resonance tomography ща clinical institution «Lutsk Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph Signa Profile Ce Medical Sistem - 1,5 Tl in standard anatomical planes (sagittal, frontal and axial). The length of IV brain ventricle is defined as the distance between the aqueduct in the central canal of the spinal cord. Measured on the median sagittal anatomical planes. Dentified involutive changes to reduce the length and height of the IV ventricle in both sexes differ. The men from the second period mature age and old age of IV ventricle decreased by 16.71% and in women from of mature age first period it old age by 29.1%. Height IV ventricle to the first period has increased significantly, and since the second period of mature age decreased by 13.51% in of men. In the second period, women of mature age height IV ventricle was relatively stable, with its subsequent reduction to the old age at 10.81%. |
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Professor of the department of soil Kharkiv national agrarian university named after V. V. Dokuchaev M. O. Gorin – 75 | 253![]() |
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Jounral «Scientific Herald of Chernivtsy University. Biology (Biological Systems)» publishes the results of the studies on actual problems of biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular genetics, ecology, botany, soil science, biota and bioresources preservation.
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Examples of references:
- Sambrook J., Fritsch E., Maniatis T. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual, 2nd ed. – Cold Spring Harbor, NY: ColdSpringHarbor Laboratory Press, 1989 – Vol. I. - 682 p.
- Taub R. Liver Regeneration: from Myth to Mechanism // Nature Reviews. – 2004. – Vol. 5. – P. 836 – 847.
- Kopylchuk H.P., Shmarakov I.O., Marchenko M.M. A possible mechanism of antitumor activity of 5-(5’,6’- benzocoumaroyl-3’)-methyl-aminouracil in vivo // Exp.Oncol. – 2007. – Vol. 29, No. 4. – P. 123 – 125.
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