Adenylyl nucleotides content in liver mitochondria under conditions of acetaminophen-induced hepatitis and alimentary deprivation with protein O. N. Voloshchuk, G. P. Kopylchuk, Т. О. Pustovit |
3 |
The effect of synthetic estrogen on prooxidant-antioxidant system indexes on different age rats’ organs in vitro T. Y. Lykholat, O. A. Lykholat |
8 |
Laboratory production of pelleted feed for studying the effects of dietary supplements for sturgeon growing О. І. Khudyi, L. V. Khuda, М. I. Holubiev, V. О. Babyn, Yu. Dzhuravets |
15 |
Creation of breeding material of Ribes nigrum L., Ribes rubrum L., Grossularia reclinata Mill. by autopolyploidy І. Е. Buchenkov |
20 |
The indexes of endogenous intoxication in experimental burn disease in the stage of toxemia Y. B. Raetska |
24 |
Enzyme activity of hepatic antioxidant system under bisphenol administration and differential supplementation with retinoids V. L. Borschovetska, І. О. Shmarakov |
28 |
Effects of saline stress on proline and polyphenolic compounds content in Arabidopsis thaliana N.O. Didenko, R.A.Volkov, I.I. Panchuk |
35 |
Effect of local strains of nitrogen fixing nodule bacteria on some biochemical parameters of pea plants U. Ya. Stambulska |
40 |
Participation of gaba-ergic system in the development of tolerance to action of topiramate and lamotrigine O.D.Movchan |
48 |
Effects of imidazo[1,2-a]azepinie derivative ift_000281 on atp-dependent potassium channels M. A. Mokhort, I. M. Kutovyi |
53 |
Monitoring of honey bee colony losses in Northern Bukovyna over the 2014-2015 winter L. I. Tymochko, L. T. Puschuk, M. M. Fedoriak |
59 |
Species diversity and ecological features of phytoseid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) in plant associations of Vynogradiv (Transcarpathian region) K. V. Shtymak |
66 |
Special aspects of anthropogenic transformation of forest grass cover in Cherkasy region N. Miroshnik |
71 |
Forest vegetationofNorthern-EastPodoliain Late Holocene(based on pollen analysis data) O. O. Andrieieva |
79 |
Demutation processes of vegetation cover of the technogenic ecotopes within the Drohobych-Boryslav urbo-industrial complex O. O. Kagalo, L. Z.Slobodyan |
85 |
Chorological, ecological and coenotical features of Peucedanum latifolium Dc. (Аpiaceae Lindl.) on the territory of Chernivtsy region A. I. Tokaryuk, O. D. Volutsa, V. V. Budzhak, I. I. Chorney |
92 |
Vegetation of Biloozerska part of Rivnensky Nature Reserve V.A. Onyshchenko, T.L. Andrienko, O.I. Pryadko |
98 |
Habitat diversity of grassland coommunities in Central Podillya and their sozological estimation Y. A. Vasheniak |
108 |
Genus Rubus L. (Rosaceae Juss.) in the flora of Western Ukraine: 4. Subgenus Rubus sections Corylifolii and Caesii, subgenera Idaeobatus and Cylactis V. I. Honcharenko |
118 |
The features of clonal structure of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull in forest ecosystems of the northern-east of Ukraine I. M. Kovalenko |
122 |
Spatio-temporal changes of the recultivated soil penetration resistance of Nikopol manganese mining basin А.V. Zukov, G.А. Zadorojhnaya |
127 |
The qualities of theta-activity of electroencephalogram of a brain of people with different power of neural processes during the verbal and non-verbal activity T. Poruchynska, T. Shevchuk, A. Romanyuk, O. Dmytrotsa |
138 |
Trophic Network Assessment of Grassland Ecosystem Status O. Y. Buzhdygan, S. S. Rudenko |
143 |