
The department of Land Management and Cadastre carry out the research in methodological bases of monitoring and forming the strategy of ecological safe land tenure of Carpathian region and surrounding areas, ecological and economical aspects of evaluation of intensity of agricultural lands use, relationship between ecological and economical factors of rational land tenure, and the ways of improvement of information-methodological support of evaluation and cadastre have been developing at the department of Land Management and Cadastre.

Scientific library of the university, scientific and methodological library of the department and access to internet media are the sources of information support.

Research project: To develop agrarian, ecological, economic and legal bases of rational land tenure and evaluation of agricultural and not agricultural lands outside the population places (on the example of territory between the rivers Prut and Dnister and surrounding areas).

Research supervisor: Prof. Smaha I.S.

State Registration № 0110U000861

Due date: 2010-2014

Research project: Methodological bases of monitoring and forming the strategy of ecological safe land tenure of Carpathian region and surrounding areas.

Research supervisor: Prof. Smaha I.S.

State Registration № 0115U001040

Due date: 1.01.2015-31.12.2019