
Опубліковано чернетку робочої програми HORIZON 2020 Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing на 2018-2020 роки

Опубліковано: NCP, 09.10.2017

Опубліковано чернетку робочої програми Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing на 2018-2020 роки. Три основні напрямки програми передбачатимуть: 


The purpose of this call is to lay the foundations for tomorrow’s industry in Europe, and to create jobs and growth through an innovation ecosystem for the design, development, testing, and upscaling of advanced materials and nanotechnologies. This should enable a vast array of applications and facilitate innovators to bring their disruptive ideas to the market. Success will be seen in an effective eco-system allowing innovators to overcome the technological and regulatory barriers. 


The purpose of this call is to transform European industry through the integration of digitisation and other enabling technologies and achieve global industrial leadership. Success will be seen in global industrial leadership, notably in manufacturing, and in opportunities for re-industrialisation. 

INDUSTRIAL SUSTAINABILITY The purpose of this call is to further strengthen the global leadership of Europe’s industry in environmental sustainability, through a combination of mature and disruptive technologies. Success will be seen in making measurable contributions to identified sustainable development goals. 

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